Staff Directory » Jennifer Zisser

Jennifer Zisser


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With a passion for people and puzzles, Jennifer Zisser excels in organizational change management (OCM) leadership and execution. She enjoys the challenge of taking complex concepts and breaking them down into a cohesive solution that both colleagues and clients easily understand.  Her analytical capability and people-centric focus make her effective in driving successful organizational transformations.

Jennifer takes great satisfaction in being part of the growth and development of many people throughout her career. She believes in the common humanity that connects us all and connects deeply with others by appreciating their unique stories, struggles, and aspirations. This empathetic and understanding approach allows her to effectively guide people through change, help them overcome challenges, and realize their potential.

Her mindset has been shaped by the many incredible mentors she’s had in her life – individuals who saw beyond her past, walked beside her in the moment, and cheered her on to achieve her goals. Jennifer hopes that she can have that kind of influence on others and that she has the opportunity in her life to make those kinds of connections.

Personally, Jennifer cherishes quality time spent with her husband Jeff, and their four children. As a family, they enjoy spoiling their two Labradors, tackling DIY home projects, and spending time with their extended family. On her own, Jennifer loves to thrift, antique, and upcycle her finds
