Staff Directory » Chris Bordewyk

Chris Bordewyk


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Chris Bordewyk is a culture-focused agile transformation leader who centers his time on outcomes and building strong relationships. Through his experiences, he’s learned the value of staying focused on positive goals, celebrating even the smallest successes, and having a strong support network.

Chris is often complimented on his thoughtful approach to his work, which helps him effectively navigate complex situations and encourage collaboration. One of his proudest achievements is being able to create positive cultures within teams that leave a lasting impact. Though it can be difficult in the moment to know if the right steps are being taken, having the opportunity to step back and see the results over time is rewarding.

His personal philosophy of “just be a good person,” guides Chris to create a positive difference in the world through his interactions. He believes that while the world is full of uncontrollable variables, the way we relate to others and the individual impact we have is within our control.

In his free time, Chris is an enthusiastic writer, reader, and movie watcher. He also enjoys hiking, golfing, gaming, and playing his drums when it won’t keep anyone awake.
