Culture and Leadership Transformation

FarWell culture alignment experts identify and address concerns that conflict with an organization’s mission and values.

Sometimes a project or process can’t succeed unless the culture in an organization changes first. FarWell methodically assesses your culture and leadership structure. We face challenges together and make recommendations for change.

FarWell trains leaders and employees through the transition promoting adoption. We lead sessions on values, methods and expectations.

Culture Alignment Engagement Framework

  • Assess

    Review your cultural model and assess dynamics between leadership and teams.

  • Plan

    Map a transformation strategy to align your culture with your core values.

  • Execute

    Conduct effective leadership training stressing company values. Share employee satisfaction survey findings.

  • Close

    Monitor efforts with follow up employee surveys and share progress with leadership.

Culture Alignment Benefits

Employee alignment to strategy

Improved efficiency and productivity

Increased customer satisfaction

Improved employee retention

Finding the Root Cause

Companies may temporarily patch symptoms of cultural issues, while the culture at large remains unchanged. FarWell advisors readily identify root causes of cultural issues, helping clients to identify future symptoms.

FarWell asks the right questions, maps changes, and trains staff to embrace that the desired cultural change. As an outcome of our change process, leaders and employees will be more closely aligned with their company culture. FarWell identifies and fosters a company’s mission and values so the employees are personally invested in the business’s success.


We get up to speed before offering solutions. Our Right-Fit culture discovery session and proposal are no cost, no obligation.

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